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Stations of the Cross at Epiphany Parish

An Installation - Lent 2022


Welcome to the journey of the Stations of the Cross.

At each station there is scripture to read, a question to think about, and something to do. You will notice that the eight station ends at a wooden cross at the front door of the church. On Easter Sunday, this cross will be transformed with flowers as we celebrate Christ's Resurrection.


To begin the Stations:

Start at Station 1 to the left of the front door of the church. Proceed along the path to Station 7 then follow the driveway back to the front of the church to Station 8.

Click on the highlighted station title for each station.

Station 1 - Jesus is Arrested

Station 2 - Jesus is Stripped of his Garments

Station 3 - Jesus is Condemned to Death

Station 4 - Simon helps Carry the Cross

Station 5 - Jesus Speaks to the Women

Station 6 - Jesus is Nailed to the Cross

Station 7 - Jesus Dies on the Cross

Station 8 - Jesus is Laid in the Tomb


Thank you for visiting our Stations of the Cross.

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