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Getting Involved ~ Commissions, Ministries & Groups


Many people wonder how they can be more involved in the Epiphany community.  You can become involved in the life of the church in ways other than simple attendance and financial support.  Many functions in a church, such as reading lessons from the Bible, teaching Sunday School, or building maintenance can be undertaken by any member of the congregation.


Our parish also runs groups that operate outside the confines of Sunday services.  These include youth groups, studies and courses, and community service projects.  

On Sunday Mornings

​Lay Readers & Lay Eucharistic Ministers 

Lay Readers are youth and adults that serve as public readers for Worship Services.  The lectors read Lessons at each service.  Open to adults and mature youth, Lay Eucharistic Ministers are church members that serve as readers and chalice ministers at worship services.



An acolyte is a youth or adult who serves God through his/her service in the church. Acolyte means “one who serves”.  The acolytes are instrumental in helping the services to run smoothly. They serve as torch bearers, lighters of candles, and crucifers at worship services.  They assist in the preparation of the altar.  Acolytes are leaders in the church through the examples they set at the altar.


St. Agatha's Altar Guild

This group is open to men and women.  The members are responsible for preparing the Altar and worship space for services on Sunday as well as for all for weddings, baptisms, funerals and special occasions.  The guild also maintains the linens, vessels and vestments.  Meetings are held quarterly.



Ushers are the first faces you see upon entering the church on Sunday morning.  They welcome parishioners and visitors, hand out worship materials and take the collection.


Coffee Hour Hosts

On Sunday mornings, individuals, families and groups within the church offer hospitality following the 10:00 AM service by serving snacks, coffee and punch during our fellowship time.

Beyond Sunday

Social Committee

This ministry is simply to get to know each other in a fun and social way.  This group plans social events throughout the year that are open and interesting to a wide range of ages and interests.


Pastoral Care Team

Our Parish’s Pastoral Care Team offers visitation of home bound parishioners, the hospitalized and special cards ministry.  



The stewardship committee is responsible for educating the parishioners and moving them to action in terms of the three aspects of stewardship – God’s gift of treasure, talent & time.  This committee plans and organizes the annual stewardship fund drive.


Property and Finance

The Property Committee schedules church maintenance, makes recommendations to the Vestry regarding matters with the properties, they oversee insurance matters, budget receipts and budget expenditures. 


The Finance Committee oversees and manages all aspects of the Parish’s finances with transparency and integrity.  They prepare the budgets and conduct the audits each year.  This committee works alongside the Property Committee and the Stewardship Committee. They oversee the funds and investments of the Church and report quarterly on Epiphany’s investments performance.​


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